Sunday, November 18, 2007

Turkey time....

So turkey time is upon us. Mommy says that on Thursday I get to eat turkey for the first time (well not really but sorta I guess) She also warned me that all these people are going to want to hold me and pass me around all day, she said It would be fun. Of course it will be fun, I love attention, silly mommy!!! So Dad told me that Santa is coming to see me this year since I have been a "Pure Angel" so I have a running list of what I wish Santa would bring me, here is my letter to him:

Dear Santa, I have tried really really hard to be good since I was born. I know that while Mommy was pregnant with me, I wasnt so good, so I think that you should be really nice to her this year to make up for all the pain I caused her. And my daddy to for putting up with her. Mommy and Daddy told me that you bring all the presents so I would really like have:

Thomas Scoot and Sound Train Engine, so I can get my move on!!
Little Super Star Sing Along Stage because I love squealing!!
Learn and Grove Music table, so I can play the drums like my daddy
Celion Dion Cd's because she is super Hot and I love to listen to her and scream!!!
Laugh and Learn Learning Puppy, because he is like Big Rey
Retro Rocket by Radio Flyer, because Rocket Ship is my favorite game with daddy
Little Touch Leapad by Leap Frog, because mommy says I am smarter than Einstein
Little Champs Golf Club, because I am way better than Tiger Woods!!
An adult Bike Carrier so mommy and daddy can take me riding with them..
A convertible carseat because I have big boy muscles now and have almost out grown my "baby" carseat...he he he

I love you Santa,

-Lil Jay

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